The enrollment process for the 2023-2024 after school program is now open. Applications are available in the elementary office. A lottery pull will be done on May 26 for the first 50 spots. Another lottery pull will be done on August 3 for the 50 remaining spots. Any students not pulled from the lottery will be put on a waiting list and may join as spots become available throughout the year.
The cost for the 2023-2024 school year will be $200 per month for each student. Families that qualify for child care assistance can apply with the Department of Workforce Services to help cover the cost. Click on the link to apply on the DWS website. DWS applications are only good for 60 days before the start of child care. Applying before the 60 day window may mean that you would have to reapply. OPA staff are exploring grants to support the costs of the program. Any funding acquired will be used to reduce costs to families.
Email with any further questions you may have.