Frequently Asked Questions
Charter Schools have a governing School Board that is comprised of community leaders and parents. Charter Schools receive their funding from the State and Federal Governments in much the same way other public schools do.
- Students whose parents were actively involved in the development of the charter school.
- Students who have a brother or sister currently attending the charter school.
Teachers are required to follow the same dress code as the students.
A charter school is exempt from existing negotiated agreements relating to the hiring, employment, and dismissal of employees. A charter school’s governing body may determine the level of compensation and the terms and conditions of employment for its employees. Charter schools may only employ educators who hold valid teaching certificates or who meet State Board requirements for alternative certification or authorization.
The vast majority of funding comes through the WPU. In addition, the legislature appropriates funds each year to replace some of the local property tax revenues that are not available to charter schools. Charter schools may also apply for state and federal start-up funds and specialized funds if qualifying students are served in approved programs.
A charter school may not charge tuition or require students or parents to make donations and is subject to the same rules regarding school fees as other public schools.