Special Services at OPA
Special Services at OPA
Ogden Preparatory Academy offers a wide range of services for students with special needs. Services include special education, disability services through 504 plans, and services for students who are English language learners.
Special Education and 504 plans
Ogden Preparatory Academy encourages student participation in the general education setting to the greatest extent possible. However, we know that general education is not always the best possible learning environment, especially for students with significant learning disabilities or behavioral struggles. OPA offers 504 plans, as well as special education services for students with mild, moderate, and severe learning disabilities or behavioral difficulties. If you’d like to inquire about our range of services, please contact Elizabeth Callison at 801-627-3066.
Child Find
Ogden Preparatory Academy is responsible for Child Find identification and evaluation for all students suspected of having a disability currently attending this school. This includes any students k-9th grades who are in need of an evaluation for possible special education or intervention services. Early identification and intervention may be essential to your child’s development.
If your child is having significant difficulty with vision, hearing, speech, behavior, is experiencing slow development typical for his/her age, physical development or learning difficulty, he/she may be a child with a disability that requires specialized instruction through special education. If you suspect that your school age child may have a disability, please contact your child’s teacher or the Special Education Department at 801-627-2066.
Procedural Safeguards
Below is a brief summary of the Procedural Safeguards notice, approved by the Utah State Board of Education in December, 2016. For more information, or to read the full text of the safeguards in English, please click here. For Spanish, please click here.
Procedural Safeguard Summary (English)
Procedural Safeguard Summary (Spanish)
Procedural Safeguard Summary (French)
Procedural Safeguard Summary (Arabic)
Important Links
Utah State Board of Education
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Special Education Services (SES) section provides leadership and support for educators, parents, and students with disabilities receiving special education and related services throughout Utah public schools and communities, in an effort to improve educational outcomes.
USBE Special Education Website
The Utah Parent Center
The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC or Center) is to help parents help their children, youth and young adults with all disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community. Ogden Preparatory Academy works closely with the UTah PArent Center to provide learning and support opportunities for families,
Learning Disabilities Center of Utah
Parents are often baffled by the problems presented by a child with learning disabilities. Often this “invisible disability” does not become obvious until a child reaches school age. Even then, difficulties may be subtle and hard to recognize.
Recommended Reading
The following document is a list of recommended books that the library has multiple copies of if you would like to read with your student. Reading together can help to foster communication. Research shows that parental involvement increases student academic achievement and emotional well being.
Parent and Child Recommended Books
Utah Model for Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance:
Education Links:
Carson Smith Scholarship Notice
School districts, including charter schools, are required by Utah law, 53A1a-704(10), to inform parents of students with IEP’s enrolled in public schools, of the availability of a scholarship to attend a private school through the Carson Smith Scholarship Program.
Alternative Language Services
Alternative Language Services include supplementation instruction in oral, reading, and writing skills in English proficiency provided by a highly qualified teacher in English language development.
Some benefits of participation in this program include:
- Improved English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking for all subject areas.
- Increased understanding in academic content and vocabulary for subjects such as math, science, and social studies.
- Heightened awareness of academic and behavioral expectations at school.
- Better relationships with students and adults.
- Lower stress levels during the English language learning period to ensure a safe, structured setting for practicing new language and receive immediate, constructive feedback.
English language development programs adjust instruction to the child’s strengths and needs. Instructional strategies, practices, and methods to help each child learn English and meet age-appropriate academic standards are based upon scientific research. The expectation for English language learners (ELLs) is that students fully transition into mainstream classes, meet appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion, and graduate from high school at the same rate as mainstream students.