School Uniform Information
The OPA School Uniform is an integral part of the OPA Dress Code and the school’s Policies and Procedures. In addition to the OPA Dress Code page, we have included some visual information about our School Uniforms.

Dress Code
All students are expected to take pride in their appearance and to dress and groom in a manner that will not distract from the academic environment at OPA. This means clothing must be school-appropriate and promote a safe environment. It is the responsibility of parents and students to ensure compliance with the dress code. As styles change or if questions arise, the school administration, as the OPA Board of Director’s designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this policy. Students are expected to follow the dress code from the first bell (8:05 am) to the last bell (3:00 pm) each day.
Tops-Collared Shirts:
Shirts must have a collar and be long enough to remain tucked in and must be tucked in at all times during school hours.
Collared shirts may be either solid white, navy blue, or light blue, with or without the school logo.
Ninth graders may wear the shirts of the chosen color for the year.
Shirts can be long or short sleeved.
Any visible clothing must follow the dress code color designations.
Tops-Additional Layering:
White, cream, tan, light blue, or navy blue sweaters,vests, or sweatshirts without hoods may be worn in class.
Sweaters, vests, light jackets, and sweatshirts must be a solid color and free from logos, patterns, etc.
Hooded sweatshirts or jackets may not be worn except outside during lunch or recess.
Outdoor jackets and coats are not allowed to be worn except outside during lunch or recess.
Must be khaki or navy blue, corduroys or Docker-type. No denim pants of any color may be worn.
May be no larger than one size from a student’s fitted size.
Must stay fitted around the waist. Belts are required if pants do not stay at the waistline.
Length must be no higher than two inches above the top of the kneecap. Skirt, dress, and short length will be determined with the waistband at the waist.
Leggings may not be worn without additional “bottoms” and must be one of the following school colors: white, khaki/tan, or navy; leggings must be free from additional designs and patterns.
Socks must be non-distracting and school appropriate.
No bare or stocking feet.
No open toe or open heeled shoes.
No slippers, with or without soles.
Uniform-Free Dress Day Standards:
First and third week’s minimum days are dollar dress days; other minimum days are school designated dress days unless otherwise designated. Consult the school calendar for specifics.
All requirements under the “General appearance, clothing, hygiene, etc.” section above apply to free dress days.
Shorts and skirts need to follow the regular uniform dress code regarding length.
Shirts can be long or short sleeved. No tank tops. Shirts without sleeves should have a shoulder seam that reaches the shoulder not to be less than 3 inches.
No clothing which displays obscene, vulgar, lewd, or sexually explicit words, messages, logos, or pictures.
No hoodies or shirts with hoods.
Clothing with holes or rips will be allowed only if there is appropriate material preventing exposed skin (leggings under ripped jeans, patches, etc).
Game Day Dress:
Game Day Dress will be allowed for students participating in sports. Game Day Dress includes jerseys with uniform pants. Game Day Dress requires jerseys to be tucked. Game Day Dress should be communicated by coaches or captains to the front office, so it can be announced to all staff members each morning.
Physical Education Uniforms:
7th –9th grade students must wear PE uniforms during PE. Uniforms are available through the office. Shirts will be light blue. Shorts will be knee length and navy blue or black in color.
(See 7.03.POL Dress Code Policy)
Admin Has Discretion
This policy is intended to create a framework to meet the purpose as stated at the beginning of this policy. As styles change, or if questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress in keeping with this policy.