OPA Early Childhood Center

The Early Childhood Center is now open and includes space for preschool, kindergarten, a technology and assessment center, and the district offices. We are now accepting enrollment requests through our online form.

Address: 1435 Lincoln Ave. Ogden, UT 84404

Phone: (801) 627-2066

2024-2025 (Upcoming School Year)

Early Childhood Center Building

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old does a child need to be to enroll in OPA preschool?

A: The preschool will service students for 1 year prior to kindergarten enrollment; therefore, student must be 4 years old BEFORE September 2.

Q: How much will it cost?

A: Monthly fees:

4 year olds- $754

After school care:
$200/month 4 years and above

After 5:10 pm pickup

Q: Does the preschool feed into OPA Kindergarten.

A: The preschool must be operated independently from the OPA K-9 program due to Utah state law. OPA K-9 enrollment must comply with the lottery state requirements and OPA Board policy. Therefore, preschool enrollment does not guarantee OPA Kindergarten enrollment.

Q: What are the days and hours of the preschool?

A: OPA Preschool will operate full-day in conjunction with the OPA School Calendar. Before and afterschool services may be available separately.

Q: Will breakfast and lunch be available?

A: The OPA preschool will work with the National School Lunch Program to provide breakfast and lunch services. Free and reduced criteria will follow the same pattern as the OPA K-9 program.