Tengo un tío cajonero
que hace cajas y calajas
y cajitas y cajones.
Y al tirar de los cordones
salen cajas y calajas
y cajitas y cajones.
English Translation
I have an uncle box maker
who makes boxes and calajas (nonsense word)
and little boxes and big boxes.
When the throws the laces
out come boxes and calajas
and little boxes and big boxes.
More Tongue Twisters
Other tongue twisters for practicing the “j” sound. Remember J is pronounced like the h in English.
De Guadalajara vengo, jara traigo, jara vendo, a medio doy cada jara. Que jara tan cara traigo de Guadalajara.
From Guadalajara I come, bringing arrows, selling arrows, for half the price I give away each arrow. What expensive arrows I bring from Guadalajara.
Debajo de la puente de Guadalajara había un conejo debajo de la agua.
Under the bridge of Guadalajara there was a rabbit under the water.
Juan junta juncos junto a la zanja.
Juan is binding reeds by the ditch.
Debajo del puente de Guadalajara hay quatro guadalajarios que guadalajéan debajo del agua.
Under the bridge of Guadalajara there are four people from Gaudalajara who are “guadalajazing” under the water.