Who was Pura Belpre?

Quien Ere Pura Belpre?
Pura Belpre was New York City’s first Latina librarian. She was also a writer, puppeteer, and collector of folk tales.
Pura Belpre era una bibliotecaria de Nueva York. Ella tambien era escritoria, titiritera y colectadora de cuentos folkloricos.
Pura Belpre Award
“The Pura Belpré Award, established in 1996, is presented annually to a Latino/Latina writer and illustrator whose work best portrays, affirms, and celebrates the Latino cultural experience in an outstanding work of literature for children and youth.”
“El Premio Pura Belpré, establecido en 1996, se entrega anualmente a un escritor e ilustrador latino / latino cuyo trabajo mejor retrata, afirma y celebra la experiencia cultural latina en una obra de literatura sobresaliente para niños y jóvenes”.
Pura Belpre Award Winning Books
Check the library catalog and search for Pura Belpre award.
Consulte el catálogo de la biblioteca y busque el premio Pura Belpre.