Ms. Weston is one of this week’s Jr. High Champion Teachers! These are Jr. High staff members who were nominated by peers for relentlessly championing our students. Here is what Ms. Weston’s peers had to say about her:
“Ms. Weston is a champion because she sincerely loves all her students. Sincerely. And they feel that love, which is why so many students choose her as their champion. Ms Weston puts everything she can into her work and has a passion and wealth of knowledge to be brought to our school. She works so well with all of our students, but the work she is doing with her own students is amazing. They are bright spots in every classroom they attend, are well-behaved, work hard, submit good work, and keep good grades. Ms. Weston’s guiding hand can be seen in each of them. She gives them new experiences, teaches them valuable life skills, and holds them to the same expectations as every other student at Ogden Prep Academy. She works hard to make OPA the best it can be!”
Thank you for everything you do, Ms. Weston!