Dear Families,

We are aware that The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued new immigration guidance. We understand that changes to immigration policy may raise concerns for many in our community, and we want to reassure you that Ogden Preparatory Academy is committed to creating a supportive and safe learning environment for all our students.

Here are some important reminders for all our families:

  1. Every Child is Welcome and Safe
    Your child – and every child, regardless of immigration status – is welcome and safe at Ogden Preparatory Academy. Undocumented children and young adults have the same right to attend public primary and secondary schools as U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
  2. Protection of Student Information

By law, OPA staff members cannot divulge student information to any government agency except other schools with educational needs for the information. 

OPA does not have any obligation to report suspicions, and OPA will not engage with federal immigration authorities for the purpose of sharing student information.

  1. No Collection of Immigration Status
    Ogden Preparatory Academy does NOT and CANNOT collect information related to any student or family member’s immigration status. 
  2. Support is Available
    We have counselors, social workers, and support staff who are available to talk with students experiencing anxiety, stress, or fear for any reason. 

Please remember, school is a safe place. We will always communicate openly with parents and guardians and remain dedicated to acting in the best interest of our families at all times. Please keep your Aspire contact information up to date, including emergency contacts, so we can communicate clearly about individual student needs and school information. 

Thank you for trusting us with your child’s education and well-being.


Ogden Preparatory Academy Administration