Zumba Club
March 28 @ 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Zumba Club
Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th
Fridays, after school, until 3:45 pm
Viernes, después de escuela hasta las 3:45 pm.
Students must be picked up on time and will wait inside the building.
Los estudiantes deberán ser recogidos a tiempo (3:45 pm), las encargadas del club estarán afuera por 5 min, si los papás o encargados de recoger a su hijo(a) no están a tiempo, los estudiantes esperarán adentro.
Students left after designated pick up time may lose club privileges.
Los estudiantes que se queden después de la hora establecida (3:45 pm), perderán el privilegio de estar en el club.
Zumba Club is an opportunity for your student to learn about coordination, flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, self-confidence, communication skills, creative thinking, & “ear for music”. Zumba can be a fun and easy way to keep kids healthy and fit. The Zumba Club will be held in the gym. Contact Sra. Lerma or Sra. Cooper at rlerma@ogdenprep.org or bcooper@ogdenprep.org for more information.