Theatre Club – Jr. High
February 10 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am
An event every week that begins at 8:00 am on Monday, repeating until May 23, 2025
Open to 7th – 9th Grade Students at Ogden Preparatory Academy
Advisor: Spencer Fox, Jr High ARC Coordinator
The Theatre Club will meet weekly to learn theatre skills and etiquette, participate in
improvisational acting exercises, and rehearse for a one-act that will be put on later in the year.
Students will learn valuable skills such as collaboration, communication,
quick-thinking, memorization, empathy, etc. through the acting experience.
Students will play improvisational acting games, read scripts, memorize lines,
rehearse scenes, and if desired, take part in a One-Act play performance (which will require its
own permission form).
Weekly on Mondays after school 3:10-4:00 pm (Students participating in the One-Act may be
requested to attend additional rehearsals that will be announced in the One-Act’s permission slip)